Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Title Quote

The world needs heroes and it's better they be harmless men like me than villains like Hitler.

Albert Einstein quotes

The reason why i chose this quote is because albert einstein ins making a point he is a hero but he also is saying someone who is not a hero like hitler. Einstien is from Germany so thats a good thing he is not making fun of somenone elses country instead he is making fun of a villin from his hero Hitler is not a hero he tryed to take over the world as for other countries like England and America they are heroes they helped others to destroy him thats what is why I chose this Quote because it makes sence of who are heroes and who are not.

I Beleive In Compliments.
The Last time I had a compliment was yesterday I had a lot of compliments hoping my ankle and would get better soon and also in P.E everyone was clapping and saying good job for me in when I did the obstacle course.
That made me feel good because they were caring about me.
For giving somebody a compliment happens everyday no matter what there doing but for example if it was basketball I would nice shot just like that.
I dont know how they feel but I think they would fell good because somethinks that there good or getting better.
I watched the video and it shows that those guys like giving compliments and those people like to get compliments a lot of people like and also think there awesome them guys giv compliments a lot because a lot of people have bad days and they help them and cheers them up.

Matt Harding
Matt is really lucky to travel to a lot of places even luckyer then us. So he makes videos of him dancing. Showing that everyone can have fun and join just for dancing shows a lot to some people and makes them feel happy just dancing can make a smile on a persons face showing that they can have fun.