Theme Note Book

Fatmure Feka
( I have had many problems in life seen stuff I shouldnt have seen no child should of seen it )
She had horrible things happen to her seen horrid things dead bodys, guns threats,  deaths, A lot of Blood, having a gun hold on at her head such horrible things I would never would of wanted that to happen to me. I have had horrible stuff happen to me but what happend to her makes my stuff like a nothing.
I have had my bag stolen from my back - She has had a gun against her head
I have broken my shoulder- She is missing a brother and sister
Such horrible things have happend to her and she wont let it happen to any other kids she has made a youth center for kids .
She hopes nothing will happen to more children and hopefully it wont happen to me and more people.

Aung San Suu Kyi
Has finally been let out of house arrest 15 years have been gone with her under house arrest.

She is a Oxford graduate in England
She has had many problems She had to make many choices between her family or country if she had left to her dying husband in England she wouldn't be allowed back in Burma so she stayed in the country soon her husband died and her two sons (Kim and John)
She has Kim waiting for her in Bangkok to finally see each other again it has been ages since they have been together Her family still isn't allowed in Burma.
She has been willing to stay in her country while her husband died in England no wonder the people of Burma like her.
She has had many great experiences
-Oxford Graduate
-Working for the UN in NY
-Working for the country Burma
A lot of experiences people would want and not to have people love to go to Oxford and wrok for the UN but for sure I think people would never want to be In Aung San Suu Kyi's shoes when she was put in for House Arrest.

Man is No Island
Poem by John Donne
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. 

The poem of caring. 
No man is an island entire to itself 
John is caring about who ever happens to them 

If a clod be washed away by sea, Europe is the less 
I dont really understand what it means buut all i know John is not racist to Europe 

Any mans 
death diminishes me, because I am mankind
What ever happen to man kind I am in pain 
John is not a selfish man he always just wants man to live.

You Tube video

The Blokes

John's Father a man who is murderer his father is full of shame that makes John full of shame his father did it by accident but now The Blokes have that on him if he does something wrong

Andy a Bloke a white boy who know's about John's Father if John doesn't listen to what Andy tell him to do or if he doesn't do it the secret will spread.

Hashim is a friend of John but John is not a good friend after breaking him John has helped Hashim but not nice enough.

Peter the first victim and will not be the last he has been hurt horribly bad. When the Blokes did something to him complaints came in but the Blokes just hurt him more then the complaints stopped 

Blokes bad people they may think there really cool well I dont think they are.  

Jesus Colon
Jesus Colon full of shame
He has something on his back and a shamed of it a woman on a subway train to little kids one baby and a huge suitcase. The Mr. Colon kept thinking should I help this lady its late dark I'm black she is white what could happen to me if I try to help her. I did not take my chances and walked as fast as I could away from the lady and her children now these tiny thoughts keep running through my head. I wish I could of redo my actions but know I always to the opposite from that night.

Arn Chorn Pond 
A man separated from his family at a young age he was going to be killed he was going to watch people be killed but thankfully for his skills of playing the flute the army kept him when a war came he was given a gun.
Arn Chorn was given a gun to fight in the war he and his brothers. When the war was going on they went in to the bushes for weeks they were there until they reached the Thailand border and were let in to a orphanage. How lucky were they to survive at what the Khmer Rouge had done to Cambodia. Luckily he was taken to America with his brothers they were adopted they were put in an American school they did not speak english they were made fun of. But Arn Chorn was a major person for the school being a Football player when he came back to school after graduating he was telling people about how what a life he has been through. He told the Teenagers that everybody has a story even people at our school. I honor his part of speech and how unlucky he was to have such a life also when he was pushed in a game of Football Arn Chorn would of shot him if he was in Cambodia but he wasn't and he has changed.

Eboo Patel
Michael Walzer once said that the challenge of America is to embrace its differences to maintain a common life. 
Three different Basketball games going on a white game a black game and a asian game what will he chose.
Patel did many choices about playing basketball with the white kids. Patel has given up many things he could of learned to play with the white kids.
Why would Patel's Father move to the place where there are a lot of white families where he could of moved to a place where a lot of asians live. 
The Diversity you never talk about is the type that is blowing the world up and that religion.

Patel has given up many things his father has given up many things to fit in with the white people
he gave up how to live like an indian to stay with the white people that shows he is not really a person who will just be who he wants to be and I have seen people do that if its on T.V and in real life I have seen it and it doesn't look really good. I think it would be better if he would of just been him self but he also did the right thing to try fit in with other people.

Famous Painting
The Scream by Edvard Munch
The Scream was Painted in 1893 by Edvard Munch a artist with such skill.
The Scream has shown me that The man in the picture who is screaming his lungs out doesn't care what others think, its only his perspective.
The Scream is a pattern only followed by the exact same line but different colors.
This Painting is founded in Norway, Oslo
You can find the original painting in Munch's museum in Norway, Oslo
I chose this painting for The Island because the man is being treated badly and I don't see why he just doesn't scream so loud at the people. He had many chances but he kept his mouth shut about it. 

Picasso's Guernica
a painting the image is really strange it shows many different details.
It shows that a lot of people are in pain it seems like how desperate they are for help. After all the people got attack there was nothing they could of done thats what comes to my mind as I look at the panting. A small quiet village people under attack bombs going off when ever for about three hours. Also what I have noticed with the Painting is that its i black and white showing how miserable they are. That may just be me when ever I see a black and white painting I think of people in misery.

The Blokes 


I chose this image to represent the Blokes against the allies of White Black.
This Painting is called the Night Creatures 
SHowing when they kept attacking Peter Fong and they attack Hashim and they attack many others showing they are the white color in the painting dominating the black color.