Sunday, May 29, 2011

This I believe

1st Draft
I believe that everyone needs the right amount of protection

Just yesterday I was mountain biking on these jumps and there was no protection from falling down the hill. So that’s what happened to me I fell of my bike and went tumbling down the hill and I sprained my ankle. Then straight after words someone was biking on a skate park fell of and hurt himself like me. But there was no protection of falling down the hill and the kid falling down the ramp. There needs to be protection.

A few months a go I was walking home with my friend and then a guy jumped off the motor bike and took my bag and drove away there was nothing I could of done to keep my bag because I had no protection. Not only I need protection but also everyone needs protection. There are being a lot of floods around the world and their people aren’t being protected enough that there dieing . No one is helping them. They need to be protected.

Right now in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and a lot more countries in the Middle East have been dying or suffering a lot of pain from not being protected. Last month I was watching the news in New Zealand and so many people are dying or losing there legs with a lot of bombs that are still explosive. But they are being protected and taken care of with New Zealanders that are defusing the bombs. All those people are suffering a lot of pain with no protection but they need it. Were lucky to have protection around school and apartments with security guards and we have alarms if anyone is breaking in and also a lot of people have dogs that will protect us. Were lucky to be protected.

Governments aren’t the only ones that need protection with all the special people. Yes we need them but we also need others if only every government gives everyone just a little bit of protection the people will be thankful. There wouldn’t be as much killing. All we need is a little bit of protection then the world will be a better place for everyone. Just a little bit of protection can change a lot even with war. Japan will have less people dying if the had protection just like the Americans have protection that Japan don’t have. Just a little bit of protection can change a whole lot with without protection.

Everyone needs just a little, just enough but not to much protection. If everyone had a lot of protection there will be no changes to the world with no one dying the world will only change when people die if the get sick or die of old age. There will be little changes and also there will be only a little bit of police men a little bit of fire men and only a few hospitals like only three per city. Without them they wont be somebodies they will only be nobodies because they have no one to save. We need them and they need us for us to be protected and for them to be protected.

Protection is all we need its what everybody needs. We don’t need to only protect us but also need to protect others. We don’t only need to protect us and to protect others we need to protect the place that we are. Protection is what everyone needs even animals and nature lots of things need protection. If we work together we can make everyone feel safe even if they don’t know you and you don’t know them you can just do a little thing to protect them then they can believe that you will have protected them and you can do it again if you have to. I need to be protected, He needs to be protected, She needs to be protected, We need to be protected, They need to be protected, The animals need to be protected, Nature needs to be protected, We all need to be protected.
Sam Coyle

2nd Draft
I believe everyone needs protection
I believe that everyone needs protection because without there will be no more human race. With all the disasters going around the world such as explosions natural disasters earthquakes or even the world coming to its end. We need the protection to be protected from all these disasters that may or may not occur. Hopefully the disasters in the future may not be as big as they sound. There will be earth quakes and explosions in the future and disasters in the future but hopefully there just small ones. But about the saying about the world coming to an end sometime lets hope its not true.

Protection for me. I need protection, I have had things happen to me that evolves around me being protected. When I was mountain biking towards the beginning of the school year I fell of a edge of the hill and sprained my ankle I was lucky nothing worse with my bike getting stuck in the grass and also not breaking a bone. The way I fell was jumping on small ramps but the thing is there was nothing to stop you from falling. If there was some little protection like a barrier I wouldn't of fallen.
Protection for my family. They need Protection, a couple years ago at night my mum heard a motor bike come up the street but not back down and we had left our shows outside because that's what we did and in the mourning some of our shoes were missing only some of my older Brother and dad because I was only small. I was told that monkeys stole our shoes overnight and I thought that was true until a few months ago my mum was talking to a close friend of ours who doesn't live here and my mum said that someone had climbed our gate and stolen some of our shoes. Then later on that year we bought a dog I thought it was for a pet reason and its never happened since.

Protection for everyone. Everyone needs the protection from not only people doing something to them but what is happening to earth. People do many things that can cause problems to people and earth. Everyone should have the protection from Earths natural causes that can get really bad then people think. But in some countries there prepared for stuff such as earth quakes and tornadoes and hurricane’s. They have buildings that are strong enough for these things but else where there is a lot of disasters they don't have the protection they need to survive the disasters just yesterday there was a tornado in Auckland, New Zealand, and only one person died because New Zealand know what to do when there is a problem. But when there was a Earth Quake in Haiti a while ago Haiti is a poor country not that type of country that does not have strong buildings that will not fall over so it creates a bad country that takes ages to fix.

Everyone in the world needs the protection that everyone else has If this happens someday people will be would have spoken and they would have been heard so If people get the right amount of Protection people will have something in a lot of people.

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