Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Flood That Kills Innocent Lives

Thailand my third home I don't have that many friends left there but I still call it a home to me. I was there when I was two and a half till I was eight then I moved here Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I lived in Bangkok which now is flooded, when I lived there, there were only floods that weren't that big but now the floods keep getting bigger and bigger.

People around the world need to take action to these problems. There are some countries that rarely get floods because they know how to get of rid of it and how to survive Thailand and Cambodia have floods over 200 people have died in each country. I don't know why people would not try to stop this because the human population has just dropped over 500 people with in 1 week and people don't really care that much because if they did they would take action. I can't because I am just a boy in 8th grade and 13 years old and has still much to live if something bad doesn't happen to me in life. Thailand is a country that I have spent the time in the most even more then Malaysia and England and New Zealand which I am from so thats why I care about this disaster that is taking place.

It has been more than a week since I had last wrote about this finding updates on the Flooding in Thailand and it still is getting worse each and every day. Everyday Thailand Residents are walking with the water up to there chest’s which is really dangerous for what can be in the water and the water is really dirty. Where I used to live in Nichada Bangkok Thailand the water is only up there door step but its still a serious case and I’m hoping that it will stop soon before it becomes even bigger issue than it is now.

Monks are paddling their boat around Thailand for their transportation, people are cramming into small tiny boats to be out of the water. When I lived in Thailand there was only one major flood and that was at our school but in dried up over the weekend. People are evacuating Some places around the country because of this flood. They are walking in the water with children in their arms and their clothes in plastic bags. People are dying slowly from this flood because it;s causing many more problems, things are collapsing, the water is getting more infected. Their was one girl who was with her family in the flood when a sand bag has collapsed and landed on her she was in bad condition but still she barely alive.

This is not a big issue for me because I have no family there and a few friends who are safe from the flood at the moment because it's not so bad where they are in Thailand. But I care about the natural disaster that is taking place in Thailand. I have not been back to Thailand since last year but that was to Phuket where I go a lot as for Bangkok where I lived. I am going to Bangkok in January and by then the flood will be over and I hope that no else will die but everyone knows that it is not possible because of what condition the country is in, But I hope that this Flood will stop very soon.

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